## TeamCity build agent configuration file ###################################### # Required Agent Properties # ###################################### ## The address of the TeamCity server. The same as is used to open TeamCity web interface in the browser. ## Example: serverUrl=https://buildserver.mydomain.com:8111 serverUrl= ## The unique name of the agent used to identify this agent on the TeamCity server ## Use blank name to let server generate it. ## By default, this name would be created from the build agent's host name name=Default Agent ## Container directory to create default checkout directories for the build configurations. ## TeamCity agent assumes ownership of the directory and will delete unknown directories inside. workDir=../work ## Container directory for the temporary directories. ## TeamCity agent assumes ownership of the directory. The directory may be cleaned between the builds. tempDir=../temp ## Container directory for agent state files and caches. ## TeamCity agent assumes ownership of the directory and can delete content inside. systemDir=../system ###################################### # Optional Agent Properties # ###################################### ## A token which is used to identify this agent on the TeamCity server for agent authorization purposes. ## It is automatically generated and saved back on the first agent connection to the server. authorizationToken= ###################################### # Default Build Properties # ###################################### ## All properties starting with "system.name" will be passed to the build script as "name" ## All properties starting with "env.name" will be set as environment variable "name" for the build process ## Note that value should be properly escaped. (use "\\" to represent single backslash ("\")) ## More on file structure: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#load(java.io.InputStream) # Build Script Properties #system.exampleProperty=example Value # Environment Variables #env.exampleEnvVar=example Env Value